Org Charts | 2024 | Subsidiaries | Ownership

Lazard Subsidiaries [2024]

Lazard Subsidiaries [2024]
Lazard Subsidiaries as of 2024

Lazard Ltd (NYSE: LAZ), a preeminent global advisory and asset management firm, continues to uphold its legacy of providing expert financial advisory services and asset management to a diverse clientele. With roots dating back to 1848, Lazard has evolved into a global network with a presence in over 40 cities across 25 countries, serving clients with innovative solutions and strategic advisory. This article delves into Lazard's operations, as detailed in its 2023 10-K filing, to offer insights into its business segments and subsidiaries.

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Lazard's Core Business Segments

Lazard operates through two primary business segments: Financial Advisory and Asset Management.

Financial Advisory

The Financial Advisory segment stands at the forefront of Lazard's operations, offering a broad spectrum of services. These services encompass advice on mergers and acquisitions, strategic alliances, asset disposals, and corporate restructuring. Lazard's advisory role extends to matters of corporate finance, including raising capital and managing balance sheet structures. The firm's global reach and deep sector expertise enable it to deliver advice to corporations, partnerships, institutions, governments, and individuals.

Asset Management

Lazard's Asset Management segment caters to a wide array of clients including public pension funds, sovereign wealth entities, and high-net-worth individuals, providing a diverse range of investment solutions. The firm's offerings include equity and fixed-income strategies, alternative investments, and private equity funds. With a focus on disciplined investment processes and active management, Lazard Asset Management aims to achieve superior risk-adjusted returns for its clients.

Subsidiaries of Lazard Ltd

Lazard & Co., Services Limited Maison Lazard SAS Luxembourg Lazard International Holdings, Inc. Lazard & Co., Limited Lazard Frères & Co. LLC Lazard & Co., Holdings Limited Lazard Frères Banque SA Lazard Frères Gestion SAS Lazard Group LLC United Kingdom France Compagnie Financière Lazard Frères SAS LLtd Holding Sàrl Lazard U.S. LLtd 2 Sàrl LLtd Corp II LLtd Corp I Lazard Asset Management LLC Note: This chart shows selected ownership, management, and governance information based on public filings and information about the entities. The chart might not reflect actual legal entities or relationships accurately. Do not rely on this chart for financial, legal, or investment advice. Sources: 10-Ks, Proxy Statements and related information. Copyright 2024.

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Lazard's expansive global operations are supported by a network of subsidiaries, each playing a pivotal role in the firm's comprehensive service offerings. Below are key subsidiaries as highlighted in Lazard's 2023 10-K filing:

Company Country
Lazard Group LLC U.S.
Lazard International Holdings, Inc. U.S.
Lazard Frères & Co. LLC U.S.
Lazard Asset Management LLC U.S.
LLtd Corp I U.S.
LLtd Corp II U.S.
Lazard & Co., Holdings Limited United Kingdom
Lazard & Co., Limited United Kingdom
Lazard & Co., Services Limited United Kingdom
Compagnie Financière Lazard Frères SAS France
Lazard Frères Gestion SAS France
Lazard Frères Banque SA France
Maison Lazard SAS France
LLtd Holding Sàrl Luxembourg
LLtd 2 Sàrl Luxembourg


Lazard Ltd's strategic positioning and diversified operations underscore its status as a leader in financial advisory and asset management. Through its extensive network of subsidiaries, Lazard leverages global insights and local expertise to address the complex needs of its clients. As Lazard continues to navigate the intricacies of global finance, its subsidiaries remain pivotal in delivering the firm's unparalleled advisory services and investment solutions.

For more detailed information on Lazard's business operations, financial performance, and strategic initiatives, readers are encouraged to consult the firm's most recent 10-K filing.

View Lazard's 2023 10-K filing

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