Org Charts | Ownership

Apple Organizational Structure

Apple Company Structure
Apple Company Structure

This chart shows the organizational structure of Apple Inc. Apple trades on the NASDAQ under the symbol AAPL. Apple is a California corporation with its headquarters in California based on its Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings.

This company structure chart shows the beneficial owners and officers & directors as group. No officer or director holds more than 2% of Apple stock.

Officers & Directors Apple Operations Limited Jurisdiction Ireland Beneficial Owners Apple Asia LLC Jurisdiction Delaware, U.S. Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Warren Buffet Apple Pty Limited Jurisdiction Australia The Vanguard Group Apple Canada Inc. Jurisdiction Canada Apple Asia Limited Jurisdiction Hong Kong Apple Sales Int'l Ltd. Jurisdiction Ireland Asia Apple Operations Int'l Ltd. Jurisdiction Ireland Apple Computer Trading Co., Ltd. Jurisdiction Shanghai, China BlackRock, Inc. LLC Apple Rus Jurisdiction Russia North America iTunes K.K. Jurisdiction Japan Apple Distribution Int'l Ltd. Jurisdiction Ireland Apple Insurance Co., Inc. Jurisdiction Arizona, U.S. Braeburn Capital, Inc. Jurisdiction Nevada, U.S. Apple Operations Europe Ltd. Jurisdiction Ireland China Apple South Asia Ltd Jurisdiction Thailand Apple Inc. Ticker AAPL Apple Japan, Inc. Jurisdiction Japan Japan Apple Korea Limited Jurisdiction South Korea Europe 1,255,155,794 Shares 7.68% Common Stock 9,865,992 Shares 1,057,340,486 Shares 6.47% Common Stock 907,559,761 Shares 5.56% Common Stock copyright 2022 Note: This chart shows selected owners and subsidiaries of Apple Inc. as reported in the sources below. This chart does not represent the actual ownership relationship between Apple Inc. and its significant subsidiaries, which may be directly or indirectly owned. To improve readability, this chart may group, layout, or format elements that do not represent the actual legal relationships or current legal status. Do not rely on this chart for legal, financial, or investment purposes. Sources:, /edgar/data/320193/000119312522003583/d222670ddef14a.htm Made with

The company hierarchy is not disclosed. However, the company chart organizes the disclosed subsidiaries by geography. These subsidiaries are disclosed in Apple's 10-K, Exhibit 21.

This Apple organizational chart does show Braeburn Capital, which is the hedge fund Apply wholly owns.

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