Entity Organograms

Benefit Corporation (B Corp) Entity Organogram

Benefit Corporation (B Corp) Entity Organogram
B Corp Entity Organogram
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Explore the design of a Benefit Corporation through a entity organogram. This guide offers insights and examples on crafting your own chart. Show the structure of your business in a clear, visual format.

What is a B Corp Entity Organogram?

A B Corp entity organogram is a visual representation of the entity of a benefit corporation. It shows the entity of the benefit corporation in a vertical layout, detailing the relationships between different elements. There three broad categories of org charts: company structure charts, management charts, and hierarchy charts. A B Corp entity organogram is a type of company structure chart.

Why Use a B Corp Entity Organogram?

The organogram can serve a variety of uses. Common use cases include due diligence, mergers and acquisitions, compliance, and governance. Instead of a single organogram, you can create variations with different labels and data for specific purposes.

This entity organogram is made with Lexchart, a powerful org chart software that simplifies the process of creating and customizing organograms.

How to Create a B Corp Entity Organogram?

Before creating a organogram there are several important considerations. B Corp entity organograms differ from management org charts in important ways. The number of items, connections and layout are orders of magnitude more complex. It is imperative to work with org chart software that is designed to handle that complexity.

There are fundamentally two ways to create a benefit corporation entity organogram: from scratch or from a data import.

Creating a Benefit Corporation Entity Organogram from Scratch

Each application has its own way of creating a organogram from scratch. Lexchart has a powerful chart tool which makes the process simple.

Importing Data to Create a Benefit Corporation Entity Organogram

Importing data is an efficient way to create a organogram. Lexchart supports importing data from CSV, which is available in Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets and most spreadsheet and database applications. The data should be structured as a series of pairwise relationships between a parent and child (subsidiary) entity.

Next Steps

Ready to create your own benefit corporation entity organogram? Get started with Lexchart's free trial. You can also explore example organograms in our gallery.

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