Who Owns Formula 1?

Formula 1 is owned by Liberty Media Corporation. Liberty Media is a media, communications, and entertainment conglomerate based in Englewood, Colorado. The company owns a variety of assets, including Sirius XM, Formula 1, and Live Nation.
Liberty Media Business Segments
Liberty Media reports three major business segments at the start of 2024: Sirius XM, Formula One, and Live Nation. While Liberty Media Corp files a single 10-K with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), it has an unusual structure.
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Formula 1 Drivers, Teams, and FIA
Liberty Media does not own or control the drivers, teams, or the governing body of Formula 1, FIA. Instead, it owns the commercial rights to the sport, which include the broadcasting rights, sponsorship deals, and the organization.
Liberty Media identifies these groups as "key relationships" for its Formula One Group business.

Read more about Liberty Media
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