Org Charts | Ownership | 2024 | Subsidiaries

Capital One Ownership Structure [2024]

Capital One Ownership Structure [2024]
Capital One Beneficial Owners
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Capital One Financial Corporation (NYSE: COF) is a diversified financial services company that offers a broad array of financial products and services to consumers, small businesses, and commercial clients. The company's principal business segments are Credit Card, Consumer Banking, and Commercial Banking. Capital One is a member of the S&P 500 and the Fortune 500. The company is a Delaware corporation, headquartered in McLean, Virginia.

Capital One Beneficial Ownership

Craig Anthony Williams Total Stock 3,509 Percent < 1% François Locoh-Donou Total Stock 8,114 Percent < 1% Ime Archibong Total Stock 3,266 Percent < 1% Peter Thomas Killalea Total Stock 14,667 Percent < 1% Peter E. Raskind Total Stock 27,708 Percent < 1% Officers & Directors Total Stock 5,379,978 Percent 1.29% Frank G. LaPrade, III Total Stock 110,592 Percent < 1% Eileen Serra Total Stock 6,156 Percent < 1% Dodge & Cox Total Stock 35,372,196 Percent 9.28% Christine Detrick Total Stock 2,258 Percent < 1% Andrew M. Young Total Stock 29,461 Percent < 1% Bradford H. Warner Total Stock 45,241 Percent < 1% BlackRock, Inc. Total Stock 28,102,666 Percent 7.37% Ann Fritz Hackett Total Stock 72,532 Percent < 1% Eli Leenaars Total Stock 8,546 Percent < 1% Capital One Ticker COF CIK 927628 Mayo A. Shattuck III Total Stock 60,842 Percent < 1% The Vanguard Group Total Stock 31,257,286 Percent 8.20% Neal A. Blinde Total Stock 129,472 Percent < 1% Investors Total Stock 94,732,148 Percent 24.85% Richard D. Fairbank Total Stock 4,232,003 Percent 1.11% Sanjiv Yajnik Total Stock 92,448 Percent < 1% Note: This chart shows selected ownership, management, and governance information based on public filings and information about the entities. The chart might not reflect actual legal entities or relationships accurately. Do not rely on this chart for financial, legal, or investment advice. Sources: 10-Ks, Proxy Statements and related information. Copyright 2024.

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Beneficial Owner Total Stock Percent
Richard D. Fairbank 4,232,003 1.11%
Andrew M. Young 29,461 < 1%
Neal A. Blinde 129,472 < 1%
Frank G. LaPrade, III 110,592 < 1%
Sanjiv Yajnik 92,448 < 1%
Ime Archibong 3,266 < 1%
Christine Detrick 2,258 < 1%
Ann Fritz Hackett 72,532 < 1%
Peter Thomas Killalea 14,667 < 1%
Eli Leenaars 8,546 < 1%
François Locoh-Donou 8,114 < 1%
Peter E. Raskind 27,708 < 1%
Eileen Serra 6,156 < 1%
Mayo A. Shattuck III 60,842 < 1%
Bradford H. Warner 45,241 < 1%
Craig Anthony Williams 3,509 < 1%
Officers & Directors 5,379,978 1.29%
Dodge & Cox 35,372,196 9.28%
The Vanguard Group 31,257,286 8.20%
BlackRock, Inc. 28,102,666 7.37%
Investors 94,732,148 24.85%

Richard Fairbank is the founder, Chairman, and CEO of Capital One. He is the company's largest individual shareholder, with a 1.11% stake in the company. The Vanguard Group, BlackRock, and Dodge & Cox are the largest institutional shareholders, with a combined 24.85% stake in the company.

The officers and directors of Capital One own 1.29% of the company's stock. The remaining 73.86% of the company's stock is owned by the public through various investment funds, institutional investors, and individual shareholders.

Capital One Subsidiaries

Capital One Financial Corporation is the parent company of Capital One Bank (USA), N.A., and Capital One, N.A. Capital One Bank (USA), N.A. is a national bank that offers a broad array of financial products and services to consumers, small businesses, and commercial clients.

Capital One Financial Corporation Capital One, National Association


2023 10-K Annual Report for Capital One Financial Corporation

Most recent Proxy Statement (DEF 14A) filed with the SEC

SEC Filings for Capital One Financial Corporation

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