Org Charts | Ownership

Alleghany Ownership Chart

Alleghany Company Structure
Alleghany Company Structure
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See the ownership structure of Alleghany Corporation based on beneficial owners and subsidiaries disclosed in the 10-K and 14A Proxy Statement. This chart reflects the ownership structure of Alleghany before the announcement of Berkshire Hathaway's acquisition of Alleghany.

RSA Surplus Lines Insurance Services, Inc. Jurisdiction Delaware Platte River Insurance Co Jurisdiction Nebraska CapSpecialty, Inc. Jurisdiction Wisconsin Landmark American Insurance Co Jurisdiction New Hampshire TransRe S.A. Jurisdiction Panama Alleghany Insurance Holdings LLC Jurisdiction Delaware Calpe Insurance Company Limited Jurisdiction Gibraltar TRC Escritório de Representacão no Brasil Ltda. Jurisdiction Brazil TransRe Underwriting Managers Agency Ltd. Jurisdiction Delaware Roundwood Asset Management LLC Jurisdiction Delaware TReIMCo Limited Jurisdiction United Kingdom CATA Services Co Jurisdiction Wisconsin Transatlantic Re (Argentina) S.A. Jurisdiction Argentina Officers & Directors Excluding Jefferson W. Kirby RSUI Indemnity Co Jurisdiction New Hampshire Capitol Indemnity Corp Jurisdiction Wisconsin TransRe London Limited Jurisdiction United Kingdom Transatlantic Reinsurance Co Jurisdiction New York Capitol Facilities Corp Jurisdiction Wisconsin Transatlantic Holdings, Inc. Jurisdiction Delaware Resurgens Specialty Underwriting, Inc. Jurisdiction Georgia The Vanguard Group Jurisdiction Pennsylvania Fair American Select Insurance Co Jurisdiction Delaware Jefferson W. Kirby Chair of the Board Covington Specialty Insurance Co Jurisdiction New Hampshire TransRe London Services Limited Jurisdiction United Kingdom AIHL Re LLC Jurisdiction Vermont Alleghany Corporation Jurisdiction Delaware BlackRock, Inc. Jurisdiction Delaware Orien Risk Analysts, Inc. Jurisdiction New York RSUI Group, Inc. Jurisdiction Delaware Fair American Insurance & Reinsurance Co Jurisdiction New York TransRe Europe S.A. Jurisdiction Luxembourg Capitol Specialty Insurance Corp Jurisdiction Wisconsin Professional Risk Management Services, Inc. Jurisdiction Delaware Shares 1,240,235 Voting Power 8.3% Shares 123,114 Voting Power 0.89% Shares 1,303,553 Voting Power 9.3% Shares 333,042 Voting Power 2.4% Copyright 2022. Alleghany Corporation (NYSE: Y) 10-K, 14A Proxy Statement accessed on March 23, 2022.
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